Morgan County is popular destination for bicyclists, from locals out for the afternoon to those passing through on trips that span several states. If you're a bicycle enthusiast and you've never explored the beautiful Morgan County countryside, you're in luck. We recently talked to a local bicyclist, Joanne Stuttgen, about some of her favorite local routes. One of her favorite things about riding the Morgan County back roads is that you truly never know what you might see along the way...
Joanne and her husband Mark can often be seen around the county on their tandem bicycle as they explore the back roads in search of adventures (and great photos). They've hosted rides in the past for CIBA (Central Indiana Bicycling Association), so they know their stuff! According to them, Morgan County has some of the most scenic bicycle routes in Indiana, and Joanne graciously took the time to provide details of two local routes they enjoy on a regular basis. Either of these routes would provide a great beginner's road map to exploring the area's beautiful countryside. All photos in this post also provided by Joanne from their Morgan County explorations.
Here's a turn-by-turn look at one of their regular afternoon bicycle route loops, beginning in downtown Martinsville. This route is approximately 18 miles.
- Start at the Morgan County Courthouse.
- Ride east on Washington Street to 2nd Street, passing several beautiful historic homes.
- Turn right onto 2nd Street, ride to Columbus Street.
- Take a left on Columbus Street, past Smith Fine Arts Academy to Sunrise Street.
- Turn Left onto Sunrise Street and follow to John Wooden Drive.
- A left on John Wooden Drive takes you past the Morgan County Fairgrounds.
- Turn right onto Hospital Drive, which turns into State Road 252 when you cross State Road 37.
- Take a right onto Cramertown Loop and continue onto Voyles Road. You will pass goldfish ponds on your left before going uphill on Voyles Road to the historic Cross Schoolhouse.
- At the schoolhouse, turn left to remain on Voyles Road.
- Continue on Voyles Road until it intersects with Mahalasville Road.
- Turn left onto Mahalasville Road and continue to Downey/Bear Wallow Road.
- A right on Downey Road will take you to Low Gap Road.
- Turn right onto Low Gap Road and continue to Mahalasville Road.
- After turning left onto Mahalasville Road, continue back toward town to Southview Drive.
- A left onto Southview will take you to Burton Lane.
- Turn right onto Burton Lane and cross State Road 37 again, continuing to Duo Drive.
- Turn right on Duo Drive to Plantation Drive.
- Left on Plantation Drive to Marion Street.
- A left onto Marion Street will take you to Poston Road.
- Turn right onto Poston Road to Main Street.
- A left onto Main Street will bring you back through town, past the historic Glenn Curtis Gymnasium and return you to the Morgan County Courthouse on the downtown Square.
- At this point, it may be the perfect time to stop into a downtown restaurant for lunch or dinner, or you might prefer a visit to the Martinsville Candy Kitchen for ice cream!
For those who are a bit more adventurous and looking for a slightly longer ride, here's a route that takes you north on a scenic route to the tiny town of Hall. This route is approximately 30 miles.
- Start at the Morgan County Courthouse.
- Ride north on Main Street to Morgan Street.
- Turn left onto Morgan Street and continue to State Road 39.
- A right onto State Road 39 will take you across the bridge over the White River to State Road 67. Stay to the right and be cautious on the bridge, as there is no marked bicycle lane.
- Cross State Road 67 and turn immediately left onto the access road (also known as Royal Lane). The service road will merge on to State Road 67. Stay on right shoulder of 67 to Old State Road 67 West (first right turn).
- Turn left at the "T" onto Old State Road 67.Continue to Balinger Road.
- Turn right on Bain Road and continue to Big Hurricane Road. (Bain Road transitions to Big Hurricane Road.)
- Take a right onto Little Hurricane Road to Berean Road.
- Turn left onto Berean Road to N. Herbemont Road.
- A right onto N. Herbemont Road will take you across State Road 42 and on to W. McClure Road.
- Turn right onto W. McClure Road to Kivett Road. (McClure transitions to Kivett.)
- A left turn onto N. Hall School Road will take you to the former Hall Elementary School. Return to W. McClure Road/Kivett Road to resume the loop route.
- Take a right turn onto Kivett Road to W. Runaround Road.
- A left on W. Runaround Road will take you to N. Baltimore Road.
- Turn right onto N. Baltimore Road to Wilbur Road. (Baltimore Road transitions to Wilbur Road at State Road 42.) The Wilbur Corner Shop is located at this intersection - a small general store with lots of character. It's a great place to stop for a quick snack or drink.
- Continue on Wilbur Road to Ballinger Road.
- Turn right onto Ballinger Road to Goose Creek Road.
- Take a left on Goose Creek Road back onto Bain Road.
- Turn left onto Bain Road to Old State Road 67 W.
- Turn left onto Old State Road 67 W to State Road 67, crossing State Road 67.
- Take a left onto State Road 67 W, staying on the right shoulder.
- Turn right onto State Road 39 to cross the bridge back toward Martinsville, staying to the right edge on the bridge.
- Stay on State Road 39 to Morgan Street. Take caution - there is a shoulder here but no bike lane and traffic can be heavy at certain times.
- Turn left onto Morgan Street at the stoplight. There is a left turn lane, so follow those signals to cross traffic.
- A right onto Main Street will return you to the Morgan County Courthouse.