For immediate release
Contact: Tosha Daugherty, Visit Morgan County or 765-346-5611
2016 Festival and Event Grants Awarded to 7 Area Events
Approximately $5,000 in grant funds awarded to events in 2016
Martinsville, Ind. – Visit Morgan County, the tourism office for Morgan County, is pleased to announce that their Festival and Event Grant Program has awarded funds to seven Morgan County events for the 2016 funding cycle.
All events that take place in Morgan County and have the potential to bring visitors into the county are eligible for the funds and were encouraged to submit grant proposals by the April 1st deadline. This year’s grant cycle is for events that will take place between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017.
Visit Morgan County Executive Director Tosha Daugherty said “We received a record number of grant proposals this year, which is very exciting. Events that applied for funds were a good mix of established annual events and brand-new events including a few that have received grant funds from Visit Morgan County in the past as well as several new applicants. We are thrilled to be supporting quality events for both visitors and residents to enjoy in Morgan County.”
Grant proposals were evaluated using scores tied to the application requirements and other criteria spelled out in the application information. Points were given to events that demonstrated an ability to draw visitors from outside the area, increase the length of visitor stay, generate economic impact for local businesses and project a positive image of Morgan County, among other factors.
Seven events were chosen to receive grant funds for upcoming events. They are listed below:
- Morgan County Farmers Market, May – Sept. - awarded $1,000
- Old Town Waverly Park Grand Opening, Sept. 24 - awarded $1,000
- Anything on Wheels Car Show, Memorial Day - awarded $ 800
- Martinsville Chamber of Commerce Chili Cookoff & Chalk Art Contest, Sept. 24 - awarded $ 700
- Artie Fest, July 8-9 - awarded $ 500
- Art Sanctuary Bridal Expo, Jan. 28, 2017 - awarded $ 500
- Colonel Vawter Day, Sept. 17 - $ 479
Be sure to watch for these, and other upcoming festivals and events happening throughout Morgan County More information on events can be found at or on the Visit Morgan County Facebook page.
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Visit Morgan County promotes all of Morgan County as a travel destination in order to grow the economic impact of the tourism industry and support local business.